Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Essay 2: Instructions

The next assignment we will be doing is to design a set of instructions on basically whatever we would like. As I sat here typing this post I thought to myself what would be an interesting topic to write a set of instructions for. Seeing how I am pretty hungry at the time of typing this I decided to write a set of instructions on one of my favorite foods which happens to be chicken Parmesan. I feel that not all chicken Parmesan is created equal and that the one I make at home is much better than the anything you can get at a restaurant. One of the challenges that could come along with this assignment is making sure to not forget the small details involved that come so easy to me when making it.

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to this recipe. It is tough to find a good chicken parm. Now I kind of wish I chose a recipe, like my Fläskpannkaka. Goodluck!
